
How long does it take to organise/plan a wedding?

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we havent booked anything yet, but we hope to get married next august/september. Will we have enough time to to plan everything?




  1. That is plenty of time. If you want a special venue I would book it ASAP. We started planning our wedding about six months before.  

  2. a lot depends on how many people you are inviting .

    a year sounds about right ' good luck by the way .

  3. depends on how extravagant you wanna go. my mother and i put mine together in 5 months and it almost wasn't enough time. so just depends on what you wanna do

  4. It depends on the type of wedding you want, I am getting married next June and have been sorting things for about 6 weeks now.

    There are certain things you need to do up front, like obviously book the church or registry office you can do that now, then there is the reception which needs to be booked well in advance.

    Are you having a sit down meal or a buffet ? the reception venue will need to know approx numbers now and a confirmation nearer the date.

    The wedding car will have to be booked in advance ( we did ours 2 months ago) and if you want a live band that has to be booked now.

    Also the photographer as you can appreciate this and all of the above need plenty of notice so that they are all available on the day you choose.

    Dresses for bridesmaids and yourself wont have to be done straight away as some planning needs to go into the colour theme you are having. The best man needs to be asked and you should be thinking about what flowers you want.

    There are lots of things that need booking up to a year in advance and other things that will not take so much time to organise.

    Start now and dont rush with anything, it will all come together with careful planning.

    Good luck this is the most exciting and the most frustrating time of all.

  5. The longer you take, the better reception you'll have. Why? Because good rooms, caterers, DJs, florists, photographers, etc get booked far in advance. You may luck out once or twice but the above will be generally true. I have to laugh when I hear people talk about 'cheesy, lame DJs' only to discover they hired him two months before the wedding. What did they expect? That's like showing up at a buffet an hour after it opens and expecting things to be full and look fresh.

  6. Yes you will have plenty of time.  If need be one can plan a wedding in a matter of weeks (not to say that it is easy).  Start at or they have helpful planning sections.  Also start buying stuff now that way you don't have to pay for a big chunk when the wedding rolls around.

  7. This all depends on the type of wedding you;'e planing. Some couples can plan in a matter of weeks and I've seen couples plan 3 years in advance. If you have specific needs or desires then begin your planing now.

  8. You can take any amount of time you need.  We are getting married in June 2009 and i have started some planning but I do not want to be stressed out at all. Some people do it in just a few weeks. For me I need time so I can pay for everything.

  9. 7-9 months is all you need

    You got a jump start, we just started planning our wedding for April

    Good luck, Congrats!

  10. Plenty of time.  I planned mine in only 4 months.  It just depends how big and elaborate you want it.  Best of luck!

  11. You'll have plenty of time. The biggest thing is to look to book a venue soon, only because some places book over a year in advance anymore. Once you have that, you can slowly do everything else.

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