
How long does it take to put a pond fish in regular water without making it die before they get used to it?

by  |  earlier

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*because i went fishing today and caught alot of pond fishes (guppies) and we brought and aquarium for when we catch them...we put them in a small plastic clear bag with their regular pond water and then we put the bag wit the filled pond water into our regular water at home so they can get used to the new temperature but some have already died and we do not know wht to do please help!

thank youu




  1. What I did with my pond fish is that I put them all in a 5 gallon bucket, (depending on how many you have) and then every 20-30 minutes i would take a large cup and take out one cup from the bucket, pour it out and add one cup of your tank water into your bucket, and repeat this a few times. I did it 6-8 times and then added them into my tank and they are all alive. ( If you dont have alot of them, maybe use a smaller container and add smaller doses of tankwater to it ever 10-15 minutes.) Also, try to adjust your heater a little colder or a little hotter, depending on the pond waters temperature. I wouldn't be to exact, just use your sense of touch to get a relative idea. Also, try an measure the PH from both spots and adjust it accordingly to the pondwater's PH. Hope this helped =D.

  2. well,you have to float them on top of your non chlorinated water and you have to float them for 15-20 min.then you may realease them and feed them right away. They may survive,or may not,because an aquarium is not their natural habitat.

  3. pond fish from the wild may enter in a shock when introduced to a new tank,I suggest u remove them from there,is the ph the same from the pond?

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