
How long does it take to ...????

by  |  earlier

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clear your skin from acne??? I heard of some cases where it takes 2 days and another 2 weeks. I usually break out on my forehead btw.




  1. About a year and a half.

  2. be very care and don't use clearsil products as they can burn your skin also my daughter went on the pill 4 it and that helped a bit but both my son and daughter have tried nivia young products they did help a bit but they were bad enough to go to a dermatologist in the end and she put my daughter on medication  raccutane  that cleared it up but had to be care full as it dryed her skin and she couldnt wax her legs cause it would thin the skin plus daily she had to moisturise her exposed skin and every so often a blood test to make sure that her blood was ok with the tablets she was on . it has taken her just over a year and she had to get a reffural and medicare pays some of it also i forgot to tell you that she had to use oitments and certain moisturisers but it did work and i hope any advice you get does help as it gets you down and i know it did to my kids,but please take my advice as also it was on a current affair about clearsil and it even took of dye of my pillow case so just imagine the what it could do to you and the 2 girls on tv they had 3rd degree burns and couldnt be fixed and i hope anybody reads my letter to you and did see a current affair will tell you the same about clearsil  good luck i hope it all goes well for you also by the time i submit my answer some one said proactive it did sort of helped my daugher but  still wasnt the best solution so thats when we went to a dermtoligest, and the dr would give you some antibioatics first to see how it goes.

  3. It varies from person to person.

  4. Proactive is amazing.

    And thats wherre most people get their break-outs. On their forehead and just above your nose. If you only have a little bit of acne their and you use proactive, it make take you a week or a wek and a half to get rid of it if your uing it twice a day (once at night and once in the morning)

  5. your doctor can give you tablets that clear it up in less that a week. Another 2 things that clear out breaks up quickly are Aloe Vera gel, Holland and Barret sell this and a witch hazel.  A bottle of witch hazel cost liike £1 and lasts for a long time. Dab it on with cotton pads and leave it to dry in 2 times a day and before bed. It also reduces pore size so less impurities can enter the pores that can cause spots

  6. It can take as little as 3 days to as long as 30 days with intensive action, but it's always possible in a short period of time.

    I'm an acne treatment expert and I must say Acne Free in 3 Days really seems to be one of the most respectable treatment on the market right now.

    One of my readers found so much success with the program that he wrote this full review.

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