
How long does it take to read a 250-page book?

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This is not a novel - it is a full size technical-type book.




  1. if you are a slow reader maybe 6hours. if you are a fast reader about 3-4hours tops

  2. Can't tell without knowing how many words there are per page. Usually, reading speed is in the area of 200 words per minute unless you took a speed reading course then you can go up to 800 words per minute. So all you have to do is take a few sample pages (don't take the ones with the big pictures), count the words, take an average per page, multiply by the total number of pages and divide by 200 and you have  an idea how many minutes it'll take. If the material is "heavy" it may take a little longer. Good luck !

  3. depends on how fast u read. if u read 10 pages a day in detail itl take a mounth nearly. if its technical work u probably will read less so u understand all the information

  4. A 250-page book would take me a day and a half. I'm a huge reader and once I start reading I can't stop. (depending on the book)

  5. depends on how good the book is, it only took me 2 days to read 550+ book i read bout 260-295pgs a day

  6. dependa entirely on how fast you can read , undersatnd and digest the information, personally it would take me about six hours of speed reading

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