
How long does it take to recover from chicken pox??

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How long does it take to recover from chicken pox??




  1. soon as they appear on the skin, the actual infection to others is already over.

    the rash can take up to 3 weeks to vanish but you can make the healing process quicker by going to the chemist and getting a bottle of calamine lotion and putting it all over your body. you will know if its done right because you will turn white!

    this will heal things a lot quicker and it will also calm down the itching you will get.

  2. this link should help.

  3. The blisters are the last of it.  When they heal up (dry, crusty) then you aren't contagious anymore.  This usually takes a good 2 weeks.  I've heard you can make them surface sooner, by taking warm baths (oatmeal baths make you feel better).  They like moist warm places best.  You are most contagious right before, flu like symptoms, achy and fever, sometimes you don't even know you've gone them until the spots and blisters show up.

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