
How long does it take to recover from tonsilitis?

by  |  earlier

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I've had it for almost a week now.. I'm in alot of pain and discomfort. How long will it take until I recover?




  1. Last time took me a couple of weeks to properly recover. Get a course of penicillin to help you.

  2. you are looking at  2weeks ,at the most,

    the  hospitals do not remove your tonsils anymore,

    god know why!  stupid if you , ask me, so many people

    suffer  from it ,      

  3. if your on anti-biotics then should be soon, if not then i dont know

    the doctors once thought i had tonsilitus but i had glandula fever and i was in bed for 2 months =[

  4. does it look as tho you have cotton wool shoved in th eback of your throat? if you do you have tonsilitis, i had it with glandular fever and it took me a week just to get rid of tonsilitis.

    if you want to get rid of it quickly- gargle with salt water, its horrible but it works.

  5. it took me just over a week for the tonsilitis part to go, but another week on top of that to get my energy back..

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