
How long does it take to run 5K?

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i want to run the 5k for charity, im not particulary fit, but how long would you think it'd take?




  1. A 5k is only 3.1 miles, so if you walk at a 15 minute pace it will take around 45 minutes, it shouldn't take longer than an hour and unless you jog or run some it'll most likely take longer than 30 minutes.

  2. i power walked 5km for race for life last year. Im not particularly fit but i did it in 43 mins 33 secs. my friend also not v fit, ran it in 37 mins. It felt fantastic when id done it. enjoy it and good luck.

  3. i ran one in 27 minutes today, thats about an 8:42 mile pace, (that's not very fast pace, but no walking)

  4. 45 minutes but if her husband is behind me I an do it in half that time

  5. Well, 5k is roughly 3 miles, so, if you run at 60mph it should only take you around 3 minutes.

  6. If you run at 5 Kilometers per hour it will take 1 hour.

    (Fast walking pace is 6 kilometers per hour)

  7. If you're not fit, aim for 40 minutes I think.

  8. It all depends on a lot of factors.

    In the gym when I am on the treadmill most people jog along at about 6 to 8 miles an hour - 7 1/2 to 10 minute miles, so based on that most people will do a 5km run between 23 and 32 minutes.

    The world record is about 13 minutes I think and anything less than about 18 minutes would put you in contention for 1st, 2nd or 3rd in many races

    Regardless on times, the reason you are doing the run is more important than the time I think. Do the run for your charity and make sure you complete it so that they can get the money - thats important

  9. You have not provided anything approaching enough information.  Some(but not all) factors affecting this would be age (obviously if you are 60 you might be slower than if you are 30) weight.  (if you are 50 pounds overweight it might slow you down a bit) body composition. (some people are genetically much better at converting oxygen to energy. general fitness level( I have heard some people say they are way out of shape and then go run a marathon)

    However I am guessing you have not run much if at all for more than a year.  5K does not sound like much but if you have not run for a while and then try to keep up with someone who is much faster, you will not have fun. Believe me you can get carried away by enthusiasm

    If you have a couple of months before the run do some gradual building.  Two or three nights a week go for a walk/run. Warm up for 10 minutes then walk 2 minutes run 1. Repeat 4 times.  Next time increase the number of  repeats.  Then reduce the walking interval time to 1 minute.  Next increase running interval to 2, then 3, See if you can build to 5 sets of 1 minute walking 5 minutes running. before the event. Plan on this for the event...  Do not try for speed just plan to finish

    If this is not feasible, perhaps you should walk 4K of the event and then jog to the finish


    After all it is the participation that matters

  10. no longer than 17 minutes..all the other answers were wrong

  11. difficult to say without knowing how fit or fast you are. Good luck anyway!

  12. the average person takes about 30 minutes to run a 5k, it takes me just under 16

  13. between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Walking speed is about 5km per hour

  14. 1 hour or less

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