
How long does it take to say "I know playing GOLF" ?

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I've actually started learning golf last november and I feel am not progressing...I dnt know if its gonna take long... I practice one day per week, I believe I need to play more but each time I do, Im like restarting to reacall the principles!! Is it normal?




  1. I think you can consider that you "know" golf when you get to the point where you worry more about where you would like the ball to go than just simply hitting it.  And that just takes time and practice.  How quickly you get to that point is different for everyone.  It isn't something that most people get in a few months, although I have known a few naturals that took right to it.

  2. You may still be asking that question the day that you die.  Don't feel bad there is not and has not been anyone that has played golf that felt that they could not have played better on that particular day.

  3. you just said it

  4. totally normal

    it takes a realllyy long time to start to really get consistent

    maybe try practicing more?

    i have been playing for 4 years and i practice just about 7 times a week for about 2 hours

    when i first took a really long time until i was decent but i never gave up and now im good =]

    good luck!

  5. How long to know golf?  2 sources say you never "know" golf. John Madden wrote an article that "you never get golf" and Tiger Woods has rebuilt his swing 3 times and each year says he will work hard to improve.  You can learn the rules very quickly by reading the rule books and asking golf coaches about course etiquette.  

    As far as learning the swing? I'm a 2 handicap and I have played in 4 Nationwide PGA Tour monday qualifier events.  I have learned alot about the golf swing and still feel like I don't even know the half of it.  I practice 3 times a week and take lessons once a month, research and watch video of the swing on my PC and on youtube <look up "Bizhub" and "Swing vision">. Don't beat yourself up about your speed of learning.  You should do a couple things to help yourself.  

    1:> Get lessons if you know you will play the game.  To do it cheaply get into a clinic with other people.  Talk to and get coaches to look at your swing and ask them to tell you what they would do to improve you before booking a lesson with them - that will give you an idea of how they coach before you pay.

    2:> Start a journal on your PC or in a notebook.  After your lesson and after you play or do well on the range you should write down any drills that worked, things you worked on and any relevant notes.  

    3:> Go step by step.  Start with your setup <Grip, alignment, spine angle, balance etc> and work your way into a good swing.  Start with chipping and putting <fastest way to save strokes> and lower your scores

    4:> don't be impatient because golf is hardest on the impatient golfer. Between slow rounds on public courses to not shooting scores you want to shoot...

  6. im sorry but i have no idea what you said.

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