
How long does it take to tame a adult rat?

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I adopted two rats a few days ago. When they were babies they were tame but after five months at the shelter they are basically wild.

When we reach our hand into the cage they bite us.

When we offer them food in our hand they bite our hand.

I tried to pet one today and take it out of the cage but it tried so hard to get away from me that its nails cut my hands.

Since we got them it seems like they are getting worse and worse. When we got them they would eat out of our hands. We don't play loud music and we don't yell at them or scold them in any way so I don't know what the problem is. I donno what to do. I've had rats before but they were always tame when I got them.

*How long does it take to tame adult rats?

*Any advice one what I can do? I can't feed them by hand. I'm terrified to clean the cage (but I do anyways).




  1. Rat can be very social animals (as I can see you are aware of this and that's good). But with them being older and afraid its going to take a lot of work EVERY day.  

    ---Move the cage to a quiet spot where there are not a lot of people on a day to day basis.

    ---I would start with only sitting with your back to the cage for two or three days. Then Face them for another two or three days. Close enough that they can smell you. This should be done for maybe an hour a day (You need a wire cage NOT glass for this).

    ---When you see that they are comfortable with you by their cage. Open it up and lay your hand down inside with a few treats on it. You hand must be flat and still at all times. You will notice after a few times they will want to come over and see what your hand is. And they want that treat. (Don't move your hand when they come over.)

    ---Finally after all of this you can then try and pick them up. Its going to be had for a while. But always give them a treat then pick them up and treat again. ALWAYS! this shows them you hand is once again a good thing.

    ---Never have them out for more then 15 mins, until they have completely gotten use to you.

    ---If they bit you never drop, pull away, or yell...All this will scare your rat and start everything over again. It will hurt when They bit and expect a lot of it at first. But you have to remember they are just scared and will let go. More then likely they will just nip and hid.

    ---If you start to see you rats getting stressed in anyway, stop what you are doing, put them back in the cage (or remove your hand) and walk away. Leave them alone to calm down. Give them a hour or so and come back.

    I hope some of this helps you. Iknow how it is to get a rat who wasnt handle much. You can email me if you need anything else.

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