
How long does it take to train a flock of pigeons to go to the bathroom on my neighbor's car at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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and where can i get a flock of pigeons?..




  1. why the heck do you want to know this?  do you not like your neighbor or something?........Interesting revenge......

  2. You would save yourself a lot of time and work if you just went over in the middle of the night and took a dump on your neighbor's car yourself.

  3. LOL, get the flock of pigeons, feed them, and let them loose on your neighbords car 1/2 hour later!!!

  4. haha feed them and find out. Nice question

  5. wooooooooow. just get pigeons and release them on your neighbors car which convienently had birdfeed and broken up pieces of bread on it.


  6. dude, awsome question and avatar

    i would say forever because birds r pretty dumb. U could buy some pigeons from a zoo or breader and plant a tree over ur neighbors car.  

  7. haha ill train them for you...just give my your neighbors address and car model.

  8. lmao.    Hang a bird feeder in a tree near the car but still on  your property.   Or start throwing out bread to feed the birds everyday.

  9. 22 years of needless and obsessive anger.

    From me; I communicate via telepathy.  


    Look it up on wikipidea ;)

    You can get a flock of pigeones by KIDNAPPING them.

  11. get the biggest butterfly net you can find and go to new york and capture as many as possible and then put them in a big cage suspended over the car for a few hours.

  12. Hey I've tried that and believe me a flock of pooping pigeons is not the answer. Now a five year old kid with a bat/chainsaw, that works nicely. Tell him to hit the windows first :D.

  13. snag the pigeons from the park!  and then put bird feed all over the car.  that'll do the job LOL

    good question.

  14. it doesnt take long to train them at wonderful neighbors feed the pigeons every morning...right on the sidewalk in between our houses....just feeding them strategically should work well...

    we didnt have a flock of pigeons till those geniouses started feeding them!

    but if it were me...i'd try for seagulls...much bigger birds

  15. just put bird feed all over his car.

    or put dog foood on it and mix it with glue

  16. I don't know but that sure would be pretty funny. You must not like your neighbor very much.

  17. here just watch this

  18. I don't have any of the answers for you, but when you find out please let me know so you can have them come to my house and do the same thing to my neighbor.

  19. What did your neighbor ever do to you?!

  20. hahhahaaaaaa !!!!!!!

    you dot like your neighbour then ?

    lol id just feed them up well and let them out afterards xD

  21. Well I'm sure you can hire a flock of pigeons and as long as you feed them right they would all go to the toilet at the same time. But why not get any band of the eighties to p**p on your neighbours car? do you have some kind of eighties band fetish... Oh no wait that was flock of seagulls... carry on.

  22. lmfaoooooo.

    you must really hate your neighbor:]

  23. Pidgeon feed+Neighbors car=neighbors car covered in pidgeon ****

  24. lol...go catch some, breed them, let them go but keep and train the babys....BAM! you'll have a pooping flock of pigeons in no time....(might take a few...months...?)

  25. lmao nice question

  26. or, u can feed them TUMS,and the will flip inside out(i mean pigeons every where)

  27. Go to NYC with a net, come back... train non-stop in your basement or garage for a month! And let your wrath let loose!!!

  28. 93 days

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