
How long does it take to travel from St.John's Newfoundland to Edmonton, Alberta on a plane ?

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How long does it take to travel from St.John's Newfoundland to Edmonton, Alberta on a plane ?




  1. There is a direct flight from St. John's to Calgary and it's about 7 hours.  And then from there to Edmonton is another 1 1/2.

  2. I am not sure if there is a direct flight from St. John's Newf. to Edmonton Alberta.

    So the time involved could vary  depending on the connecting flights.  Sometimes there is a  stop-over of one hour or more in Montreal or Toronto.

    Canada is a BIG country so give yourself at least 10 hours for that flight.

    Good Luck

  3. 6.5 hours on westjet

  4. You have to have at least one layover, most likely in Toronto. St. John's to Toronto is 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Toronto to Edmonton is 3 1/2 - 4 hrs. The shortest amount of time is about 9 hrs. longest about 15 -20hrs. with multiple layovers.

  5. You will have to change planes  some where along the way.  You need to go on the airline schedules to find out what the times are.  Four hours from Ed to TO, and a couple more to SJ, plus the layover.

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