
How long does it take to wake up from a sleeper hold

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and is there any way you should position them after they go out so no damage is cuased to the brain




  1. seconds

  2. I have been getting half sleepers since I was a kid and I almost passed out once.

    No brain damage. I turned out fine.

  3. Well when you do a sleeper hold, you make the go unconscious due to the lack of air the brain and lungs are recieving.  Doing this causes brain trauma depending if they start breathing by themselves.  If they do it could take minutes till they wake up, but if they stop and dont recover they could die.

  4. First it is actually a Rear Naked Choke. The cra*** version they show in wrestling is called a sleeper hold. As a general rule they are generally out for about twice the length the choke was applied. So if they were choked for 10 seconds they should recover in about 20.


  5. In the future don't do it. That's good advise .. In fact don't do anything you were ever taught. In fact stop learning to fight and go hug people

  6. There are 2 types of chokes - strangulation, or "blood chokes"  and asphyxsiation or "air chokes".  The so called sleeper hold is a strangulation.  It just takes a few seconds to revive from this "sleeper hold" hold if it is released quickly.  Katana's rule about 2 seconds to wake up for every 1 second out seems like a reasonable rule, but I'm sure it varies person to person.

    What you are doing is cutting off the blood supply to the brain which is very dangerous (but effective).  If you hold a strangulation of any kind too long you CAN cause brain damage - the brain needs oxygen to function - no blood = no oxygen.  If it doesn't get the blood flow back quickly, cells die.  Dead brain cells = Brain Damage.  

    To wake someone up, you just make sure they lay on their back with their arms apart and mouth open - take out their mouthpiece if they are wearing one.  They need oxygen fast, so make it easy for them to breathe.

    FYI - I've never seen a real martial art call this a "sleeper hold".  That's a term used by TV wrestlers.  It's a real move, but they don't do the real thing in TV wrestling.  The more common names are rear naked choke, hadaka jime, mata leo or mata leão ('to kill the lion' in Portuguese).

  7. Only a minute or so.If salts are used pretty quick actually,also the amount of damage done to the indvidual matters a lot.Position the individual on their back with their head tilted as if you were performing CPR.

  8. Usually a minute or two. In the future, just don't do it.....

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