
How long does it take watermelonsto start producing fruit?

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I planted these seeds back in March, I had one little one, but it didn't make it. Will they die in the winter? What about Canteloupe? How long till we get to eat them? Carrots, too.




  1. Watermelons start to develop fruit once they have enough leaves. They need a large number of leaves to sustain the development of such a large fruit. They do not like cold weather and will die when it gets frosty, but will stop growing long before that. Cantelopes are similar, but need less leaf growth to sustain fruit. If you don't see any fruit by now, you are unlikely to get fruit this season, unless you live really far south.

    Carrots produce edible roots quite quickly in the right conditions. Pull one and see how they are doing. They need sandy soil, cool weather, and lots of moisture to do really well.  

  2. As soon as they reach puberty

  3. Dependent on your climate zone and nutrient content of the soil. carrots typically take 60-90 days to maturity but can be harvested before maturity. Watermelon, depending on the variety can be 65-120 days to maturity, but can be heavy feeders so they require more nutrients then the carrots. Melon have three phases vegetable/plant phase, flower phase and fruit phase, a deficiency in nutrients or water in any of these phases can cause developmental abnormality and prevent fruiting properly. cantelopeis of the family Cucurbitaceae same as watermelon, and typically had similar growing requirements, except in my experience it is hardier. I would look up your local extension office and get in touch with a master gardener in your area.

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