
How long does it take you to drive from one end of your town/city to the other end?

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I live in Toronto, it takes me 1 hour is mild traffic during the weekday to travel east to west, and about 25 minutes at midnight with no traffic. It takes me 50 minutes with mild traffic to go north south, and 20 minutes with no traffic to do the same.




  1. G'day Chigga,

    I live in Canberra.

    It probably takes 45 to 50 minutes to travel from the north to the south during peak hour and 30 minutes normally. Travelling east west probably takes 15-20 minutes and not much more in peak time as most of the traffic flow is north south.


  2. it takes me 20-30 minutes

  3. It takes 60-90 minutes, depending on traffic, to drive across the Phoenix Metro area. E-W or N-S, doesn't matter.  This place is huge. I live in a suburb that's SE of Phoenix, it's an 80 mile round trip to University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale.

  4. 7 minutes without traffic, 15 minutes with traffic and getting stuck at the train track. I'm in the 'burbs, though.

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