
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike make up, clothes, hair, breakfast etc..

guys and girls :]

although i know not many guys wear make up!





  1. I'm a boy,

    Preppy to be percise..

    'bout 15 min max..

    Get up..

    Shower = 5mins

    Dressed = 5 mins

    Breakfast = 2 mins

    Hair = 3 mins..

    thats bout it

  2. About  30 mins :D

  3. 12 minutes from bed to doorway.

    I guess men have an advantage in as much as a suit for work essentially dictates shoes shirt and tie, so no worries there.

    The program is bathroom wash, shave etc, dress and out. Breakfast coffee at work.

  4. 30mins.

  5. I get out of bed at 5am...have a coffee to wake up ..wash and brush my teeth get dressed have a pee and go to anyone can faff about with make up in the morning is beyond me  

  6. depends for the horse 10mins for a night out 2hours  

  7. about an hour and half :)

  8. 5 mins.

    put some clothes on, an brush my teeth

    i dont wear makeup or have breakfast...


    good question!

  9. An hour and a half.

    Sometimes two hours.

    Depends how tired i am.

  10. 20 t0 30 mins

  11. About 15 mins to shower and dry my hair, run comb through and go!

    If I'm going somewhere important, maybe 30 mins. and add some lippy.

  12. I wake up at 8am.

    have breaky

    take a shower

    brush ma teeth

    wear my clothes

    perfume etc.

    do my hair

    make my bag and lunch

    leave the house at 8.20

  13. about 30 mins id say just for school


  14. about an hour and a half and but don't normally eat breakfast

  15. 45 mins

    ♥ Answer? ♥

  16. hi i get up at 7.30 shower make my 8 year old shower we have breakfast brush teeth i make his pack lunch i do are hairs at 8.30 i take him school i don't put make up on in the morn just to take him school and clean the house it take me about 40 minuets to get us both ready in the morn sometimes quicker if we get up late  

  17. on a school morning it takes me an hour and a half but if its a weekend and i'm going out with my friends then it takes about 2 and a half to 3 hours

  18. On a school morning 3/4 of an hour.

    Weekend morning I don't get out of bed until 11.30!  

  19. 1 Hour to 1 and a half depending on when I get up.

  20. about half an hour on weekends, but on mon-fri it takes an hour, because I pray for half an hour before I go to school/catch the bus.  

  21. Depends what i'm doing that day....

    if i'm doing nothing exciting i can pull on some fave. clothes in two minutes.

    if i'm seeing someone special then it can take an hour

    makeup takes 5min minimum

  22. On a school morning I spend half an hour showering, washing my hair, washing my face and brushing my teeth, then another half hour drying my hair and tonging it and what ever because my curls need ALOT of attention. Then I spend about ten minutes getting dressed and ten minutes doing my make up. I usually don't have time for breakfast but because I go to boarding school I just get a hot chocolate or something on my way to first lesson.

    Oh and it takes about five minutes to get from my dorm to class so I spend about an hour and a half.  

  23. one and a half hour

  24. 1hour=To straighten my hair :D.

    and i dont use any make-up because i actually dont look good at all with it.

    3-5minutes= To get dressed

    10mins=brush my teeth and wash the face.

    Breakest= idk 10 minutes.

    I take the city bus so i have to wait like 10 minutes for the bus to come and drop me off at the closest bus stop to my school!:]

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