
How long does it take you to shower?

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With our potential water shortage, I am trying to calculate an average as an example to my kids and then have them debate and decide what is reasonable.




  1. As long as I want.

  2. about 15 minutes and 10 litres(a medium size bucket) of water

  3. 15 minutes.

  4. 5 to 10 minutes

  5. 4-5 minutes.

    10 if you have long hair that needs washing (coz its freakin impossible to do that in less time)


  7. Why?  Why don't you just go out a buy a spring loaded valve with a chain for your shower head a la M*A*S*H.  I say spring loaded with a chain assuming your kids are too young to reach that high.  There are valves that go right on the shower stem.  

    It isn't the length of the shower that matters, it's how long you run the water.  You can get anything from a $5 manual valve (1st link) to a spring loaded emergency shower valve (2nd link)

  8. 5-10 minutes. It depends on how much energy I have. I don't think I ever go beyond 10 minutes, but if I want to, I can get it done in less than 5.

  9. As a child, raised by military family, I only had 5 mins to c**p, shower, shampoo, and (when I got older) shave.  So, now it really only takes about 2.5 mins to take care of all my business.

  10. 5 mins average

  11. It takes me about 20 minutes to shower. Like you im trying to save water as well! I think that wat you are doing is a very good example for the kids.

  12. 10 minutes tops (for a woman)

  13. Three Minute Shower and we use a timer.

  14. I probably take 10-15 minutes in the shower.  Longer when I shave.  I'd like to take shorter ones, but I space out sometimes.  :-)  If you're concerned about the amount of time you're spending in the shower, here are some examples of shower timers to help you out:

  15. 5 min

  16. 6 minutes with a double wash and double rinse on the dirty parts.

  17. 45min.

  18. 50 minutes

  19. if someone shaves in the shower reccommend they shave in the bath and then rinse in the shower.  Shaving in the shower takes a long time.

  20. 10 minutes is more then enough if you ask me.  My daughter has a friend that stays over often and I finally had to put a limit on her shower time.  The girl would be in there for 30 minutes!

  21. 15 - 28 minutes.

  22. 5-6 min. tops, I also have a brick in the back of my tall water case of my commode.

  23. If I need to shave or even if I don't I sometimes go in and get wet, turn off the water to shampoo, shave etc and then turn it back on to rinse and save on some water.  otherwise a 5 minute or less shower is best.

  24. about 15 minuets, it's like a cup of coffee

  25. Four to 10 minutes.

  26. 10 minutes is enough time to wash up but for a woman who has to shave all areas it may take a little longer

  27. I think 5 minutes but it's probably 6 or 7minutes.

    I'll try to do better.

    A man told me years ago that he was living somewhere overseas for a while helping build homes for the poor; and they allowed them only 3 minutes of shower water.  He told how he would soap himself down and try not to waste a drop of his water.

  28. i don't understand why anyone would take more than a 5-10 minute shower..i suppose if you shaved in the shower,..but that is pretty lame in itself, at least for a'd have to have a mirror and all...but how can it take more than 5 minutes to wash your body. i soap up, rinse, soap up, rinse, shampoo, rinse, shampoo, rinse,..done...

  29. 3-5 min usually....

    Think about the desert areas once before you take bath and believe me you would not take longer there; as every min more you spend there you are creating (helping to create) more deserts somewhere or the other. Think about it.

    Doing good job by encouraging your kids to debate.

    Keep it up.

  30. 10-15 minutes. And that's usually because I need to shave my legs.

  31. 5 minutes with turning off water in between rinsing and lathering.

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