
How long does it take you to write a good poem?

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Samuel Johnson has been quoted as saying:

"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure."

So with that in mind, for those of you who write poetry, how long do you usually spend crafting one?




  1. Some come quickly, almost perfect right off the bat, but most take weeks, months even, to reach my criteria for perfection.  

  2. For me it varies.

    Some of my poetry is purposely "constructed" for rhyme, rhythm, flow, amount of lines, so many syllables, etc.

    Other times, the content in a free verse style is rather quick in coming, but I'll edit for untold hours, perhaps days, before it's my keeper.  It doesn't really matter what the style is, writing is an ongoing developing work for me.  I'll print them out so I can see them on paper, continue with re-writing, examining punctuation, structure, spelling, choice of certain words.  

    Sometimes even after I post, I'll see a piece completely differently through the eyes of others and re-edit again.  Other times, just the lapse of time, helps me to see my poetry in a totally different way and I'll edit it again.

    For me, honestly,  I'm not sure the editing ever stops because the writing is a living thing that evolves as I do.

  3. "Full Moon," posted recently, took about 10 hours of actual work over the course of three days. My recent "World Series" dialogue pome took about 6 hours overnight; it was written in honor of the anniversary of a friend who was celebrating by going to a game. On the other hand, the "Twinkle" pome took about 5 minutes, but it was done at 3 AM and should never have been posted.

  4. the most effort i've taken over a poem was...hmm, i think i wrote it, left it for a month, then spent about a week of evenings rewriting it. i haven't taken that much time over one poem since, which is probably why i consider that to be one fo my best...

  5. 3 mins usually  sometimes 15 or 60 at the most

  6. It can depend for a good poem you need some insperation a thought you think will be good to right about but still then it could take weeks to get all the lines sounding perfect and ryhming in the right places Gd Luck!

  7. 51 years, 7 months and 19 days; which means I will write a good one tomorrow.

  8. Generally it takes me a day to write the poem, spending a few hours on it, and a several days to rewrite it, spending a couple hours here and there.  I find this gives me the best perspective on them, rather than trying to rewrite all at once.  Interesting question, by the way.

  9. The best thing I ever wrote took a morning. Most of what I write takes less than an hour and I'm sure it shows. Pieces I use to view as pretty darnn good are in rewrite because I'm smarter now and realize they were not as good as I thought. I am a work in progress, my writing changes with my knowledge base and vocabulary... bottom line is within 24 hours usually but I've got one piece I've been working on for weeks... I think everyone runs into that at times.

    If I was writing a book or getting published it would probably take 10 times longer, but here; with so few people actually commenting, I only try to make it entertaining and a good read. I don't need it perfect, I want it enjoyed; they are not the same...  you know, I ain't getting paid!

  10. One major event in my life  x  untold seconds that become weeks even months or years  x all of the internal brain sqishing that takes place day and night whether I like it or not = some drivel at the end of my pen.....I'll let you know after I do the math...Oh, you said to write a "good" poem...Let me get back to you on that Mr.T

    At the risk of being serious...I had one piece I didn't finish for 4 months and I have one that I started 6 months ago and I can not find it to finish...The title?  " Father Knows Best"

  11. Between 10 mins and a year (maybe longer for some) usually on the longer time scale (months)for me to be satisfied, but one or two have come quick and perfect, or nearly so.  

  12. When I succeed in writing a poem, I'll let you know.

    But my peoms can take from normally 30 minutes to an hour max 3 days. I have posted one up in less than 5 minutes at 4:30am in the morning and the results speak for it self. I notice for me It getting an idea on what to write is my major problem.

    Cheers : )  

  13. Don't know, ain't managed a good one yet.  My longest took a couple hours.

  14. For me, about 21 years....and it probably still would not be a good poem, lol.

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