
How long does it takes to apply an american citizenship?

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thats for my bf he got a green card already he is 20 years in america




  1. It takes about 6-9 months (Sometimes a year)

  2. my husband has his green card. he's had it for 2 years, we are now coming up to reapplying for his 10 year one. I BELIEVE after that he can apply to become a citizen, or just renew his green card and stay a resident. is a great website/message board. it helped us through the entire process.

  3. I applied in September of 2007,  and my interview is tomorrow. So the whole process took me about 9 months. Might have taken 6 months if I didn't forget to sign my application.

  4. 20 years and a test afterwards

  5. it was five years for me. i got my green card in '97. became a citizen in '01. here's a website for more accurate and updated information:

  6. less the a year.

  7. usually 3 to 5 years after green card, one can apply for citizen; 3 years if married to a US citizen. It takes another 9 to 12 months to process.

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