
How long does it takes to correct Magnesium defficiency?

by  |  earlier

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Im talking about, i was a sufferer of muscle spasm, tremors, nervousness and so on...

Any help is appreciated.




  1. magnesium cures last about a month so it'll take that long to get everything to normal, and switch back to your normal diet(which probable is magnesium deficient)

  2. I agree with Orban .......... calcium and magnesium work in tandem in the body ........  without sufficient calcium in your body you will suffer from irritability and moodiness, achy bones, insomnia, headaches and migraines, digestive upsets such as bloating and constipation ......  magnesium and calcium when combined should be at a ratio of twice as much calcium as magnesium ......  a chelated form is the most assimilable for your body (easiest to digest) ......... get it in a powder ..........  If you consume lots of soft drinks, pop, sodas, be aware that because they're high in phosphorus, you may be depleting your body of calcium and increasing your chances of osteoporosis..........  also, large quantities of fat, oxalic acid (found in chocolate, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, beet greens and rhubarb) and phytic acid (found in grains) are capable fo preventing proper calcium absorption.

    eat more foods rich in both calcium and magnesium such as leafy and green vegies, kale, broccolli, fresh tuna and salmon, organic nuts and seeds like almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds........  organic with the nuts and seeds to avoid the nasty sulfites they use to "preserve" the commercial varieties that will upset sensitive bodies.

    you should see a marked improvement within a few days if you are eating enough leafy and green vegies and nuts and seeds buddy ..........  have a handfull of almonds at morning tea, a bowl of steamed greens and vegies with lunch, fruit for afternoon tea ........... oranges are rich in calcium .......... and greens and vegies again with your dinner ..........  oh, carrotts are a good source of calcium too ... all very easy to digest too ............ ;0)

    Calcium needs sufficient vitamin D to be effectively assimilate too ..........  that can be as simple as ensuring you get at least 15 minutes per day of safe sun exposure .....  vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin .......  or get a chelated calcium supplement containing vitamin D3 (easiest to assimilate) ......  or eat fresh tuna and salmon which are rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin D ...........;0)

    hope this helps u mate

    peace 2 u

  3. try a magnesium picolate for the most part mag is not easily absorbed natural is best  and dose need the calcium to do so dont go to heavy handed as your body will use up its own calcium to do the job ie bones will suffer and unless you have had a blood test to tell you what your levels are go and see a natuopath or herbal medcine guru they will give you a whole body remidie which will work much better.take care

  4. I'll be honest I really don't know exactly.

    But after a month you should start feeling better, and after about 6 months, your magnesium stores should be close to normal.

    I was anemic, and it took a few months to feel all better. It depends how aggressive you are with magnesium intake.

    Good Luck!

  5. im not that sure of how long.. it would vary from how bad your defficiency was if it was real bad then it would take longer than just a simple one.. just trying to help a bit..

  6. i have a question, how is your calcium level,? because mg and ca interacts in the human body, and maybe your calcium level is low thats why the magnesium can not be corrected.

  7. Just one dose of medicine away.   Deficiency can happen only for those who are on the road starving or in the hospital convalescing without food.   Deficiency cannot happen to a person who is from a normal family taking normal food.  It is only when we consider the body as a glass half full that the deficiency word has any connotation or meaning.   Body cannot be compared as such a simple phenomena that there is deficiency and we add and it becomes full.  

        What basically happens in the so called deficiency is that the mechanism of assimilation or absorbtion of the vital elements to the body has become defective or at fault due to excessive drainage or excessive attack on the mechanism or excess of any thing or due to other reasons.   What is required is to correct these mechanism and the body will do the rest of the job.  Adding more and more vitamins and elements in the name of deficiency is going to be a waste and will be seen in the toilet next day.   The vitamin companies ofcourse will become rich and the poor body will not become rich in vitamins.  

         It do not require an elephant to open a door by force, it requires only your small fingers to remove the latch and however big or strong the door it shall open.  Same is the mechanism in the body.   Just correct the assimilation mechanism by appropriate medicines which rejuvenates the body life force into act the way they are designed to act or ought to function, the rest of the things will fall in place.  

          To make body function in the way it ought to function may need only one single dose of medicine focused on the exact organ and centre of action.   Provided one knows that medicine.  Body give out innumerable signals which we call as symptoms to let you know the exact place of mal fuction.  If the the physician is adept to know that then the defect would be rectified with one single dose of medicine and therefore I said it is one dose of medicine away.  For them who do not know how to read symptoms it will not be revealed in a life long.   For them it is always deficiency and so shall it be.

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