
How long does it tale to get good at ice skating?

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I ice skated for 5 years with lessons 3 times a week and practiced for 2 hours a day I had gotten good and competed but had to stop when I was 8 because of nerve problems that did not relate to skating. I am now 15 and want to start again. every one has told me that it will come back to me if I keep working but I have been skating 2 or 3 times a week with 2 (I have been doing this 4 months) one hour lessons and don’t have much more than basic jumps down. the most frustrating part is that I was a natural spinner at 9 but now just cant get the speed my coach does not want to push me because about 4 weeks ago I dislocated my hip and hit my head hard enough to knock my self out spinning should I keep trying I really enjoy skating.




  1. keep trying

    don't push yourself too far medically though

    the thing is, your body has changed since the last time you skated. it is probably a lot taller for one just with that it has that much more leg to deal with..and so on.  So doing moves you knew how to do before will probably feel different, and unfamiliar.

    really you just have to relearn what knew before and don't try to get it to feel the same way because it may not. don't think of it as coming back to you just think of it as learning it.

    if you really enjoy it, stick with it.

    have fun~!

  2. It depends on the individual; If yu want to be good you have to practice a lot. The effort is on the ice, that is how you become GOOD!

  3. I would keep it up! I am currently skating 3 times a week, and am seeing a lot of improvment...I am sure you will, too! Also, it depends on what level of skating you are in. If you are above freestyle 5 and have your axel down, then it will take longer landing your doubles and maybe even your triples. If you are at or below freestyle 5, all I can say is that practice makes perfect. For the spins, the speed doesn't really have to do with your backwards crossovers before you enter the spin. I would say to really whip your arms and pull in tight for your spin....that is what really makes it fast. If you tell me specifically what you need help with i can be more spicific with what you need help on =)

  4. years.

    skating is not an easy sport.

    I've knocked myself unconscious almost 5 times now,

    each time with a severe concussion, two of which landed me in the hospital.

    It just depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice for the sport.

    also, define good.

  5. You've gone through puberty and your center of gravity will have changed drastically, but don't give up hope.  Don't be pushing yourself so hard you get an injury!  You've got a head start because you've got muscle memory on your side.

  6. Just keep trying

    and go easy you really dont want any bad injuries

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