
How long does it to take for my parakeet take to get used to my house?

by  |  earlier

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Im getting a pet parakeet named Peepers and i want to know how long it takes for him/her to get used to my house. (E-Mail me if you need more info)




  1. It should take about a week to adjust as long as you don't constantly change him from room to room.

  2. bout a week, you'll know for sure when he starts eating his treats and playing with toys =)

  3. Depends on where you place his cage, which should be where he can watch other family member's, but also where he will feel safe and not in the line of traffic/people walking by the cage. If you can, place the back of the cage to a wall.

    Then depends on you and your experience with new birds and birds in general.

    Sounds like this may be a re-homed bird, if so ask the owner lot's of questions about this bird.

    Is the cage covered at night, when is the birds bed time, how long does he sleep/uncovered.

    What does he eat, what are favorite foods and favorite toys.

    Has this bird been vet checked with atleast a cbc, name and phone # of vet is yes.

    Any health problems or behavior issues, if so what are they.

    Is this bird hand tame, is he use to be handled, are his wings kept clipped or is he free flighted.

    The cage should be set up with food and water and toys, Before placing the bird in it.

    Talk to the bird and observe his reactions to you and other's in the home carefully so you can learn about this birds likes and dislikes, fears, Etc.

    Normally one week with talking to him from every place, even different rooms. Go slow, respect this bird and remember you are trying to make a long time freind, so you must be a friend to the bird.

    Don't try sticking your hands or fingers in his home until he has settled down and is stress free/relaxed and comfortable with you awhile. You may consider having his flights trimmed so he doesn't take off flying and get hurt. If you want him free flightened, then let the flights grown back in when he is tame and un afraid.

    Some reading -

  4. give him or her about a week to get used to your house, or mabey a little more, remeber, this animal was taken out of its home away from its parents (at the petstore) and put in this strange new enviroment, think of it as you settling into a new house, then hand train him, witch is using your finger as a perch, dont rush it, litly press agist his tummy and say in a calm but firm voice *UP*  and eventualy he will get the message...hand trainign is KEY to gaining your birds trust... if you wanna know more e-mial me at

    hope i helped :)

  5. haha, I wondered the same thing when i got mine. Usually it takes about a month to be completely comfortable with its new habitat. Thats what the vet said. And it was true. Congrads on the new bird, they make cool pets.

  6. this site has a  type of parakeet im not sure if this is the kind you lookin for

  7. it usually takes about a week:)

    I know for a fact;)

  8. 1 hours 34 mins and 24 seconds bope that helps

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