
How long does it usually take for heat rash to go away? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a rash that I'm assuming i got from being at a dirty place with hardly a change of clothes...I thought that maybe it could be heat rash but i hardly sweat and the place i just came back from didnt have a hot climate anyway. So just worried cuz its driving me crazy and now i'm starting to itch on my head as well and i shower like 4 times a day or more, still with no good results!




  1. omg i had the same thing but on the front of my hand.

    i went to the doctor and i got this cream.

    the first night i used it i noticed results.

    it works rlly well.

    just go to your doc and ask for medicated cream.

    it works like fkin magic.

    i used to be so inscure over it, i would always have bandaids on it and a sweater on.

    but now i feel so self-confident.

    good luckk :)

  2. I had a heat rash last summer and it was extremely painful. It felt like I was getting 100 shots every minute. I put some aloe very lotion on (not gel, lotion) and it started to soothe it and take the pain away. Mine took two weeks to go away. Don't itch it, because you will irritate it and make it worse; that's the last thing you want! Aloe very lotion will help, and it will take time and patience for the heat rash to go away. Good luck!

  3. it depends where on your body the rash is----armpits and groin are worse--keep the area cool and aired and dry--have a bath in oats(porridge) about a cupful,put in a sock so ther's no mess---

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