
How long does it usually take for you to go into labour after the baby drops?

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How long does it usually take for you to go into labour after the baby drops?




  1. If you're a first-time mother, your child's head may move into the pelvis (drop)  about week 33 and press firmly against your cervix. (This happens for about half of all first-time mothers.) If you're a second-time mum, you can expect this to happen a week before labour -- and for some this won't happen until the start of labour.

  2. I've heard 2-4 weeks. My baby dropped around 35 1/2 weeks and I'm almost 39 weeks now. Who knows, I'm beginning to think there is no way to know when these little rascals plan on coming out! I wish I did! Good Luck to you, its coming soon and don't listen to the people who tell you you will go 42 weeks, your doc won't let you go that long.

  3. Wow this has been a popular question the last week.  The baby dropping, especially if it is your first baby, is not necessarily a sign of imminent labor.  My baby dropped at 28 weeks and my doctor has told me that she sees no reason whatsoever that I won't carry him to full term still.  It's just the baby getting into a position for birth, and some like to prepare earlier than others.  So my answer to your question would be it can take up to 2 months...not sure if my doctors answer would have been the same prior to 28 weeks, but that's the info I got!

  4. usually within a couple of weeks

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