
How long does it usually take to get fillings at the dentist?

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I'm getting fillings tomorrow at the dentist and I have no idea how long it will take..




  1. like 10 minutes.

  2. no longer than an hour for sure the longest part is waiting for the doctor to come in

  3. Well it depends if your dentist is pro or trainee. Usually Pros would fill one tooth in about 10 minutes but Trainees may go as long as half hour for one tooth..... & thats like h**l!

  4. 10-15 minutes. Sometimes they over-zap the filling with that blue beam thing and it takes longer.

  5. It took my dentist about 20 to 30 minutes to do three fillings, but that does not include wait or prep time. Good luck!

  6. I got mine and I got 2 and it took like 20-30 mins. but I only had to wait like only 10-15 mins before that and the waiting time is not included

  7. around 10mins

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