
How long does it usually take to get your blood test results back?

by  |  earlier

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Well basically i am having a blood test to see if i have had any vaccinations previously such as varicella and the measles mumps and rubella vaccine when i was younger since i dont know whether i am immune to it or not and if i am immune that means i do not need to have the vaccinations again.Just wondering the average time it takes to get the result back.




  1. About a week. Some tests can take up to two.

  2. Totally depends on what tests are being done.  Many are done within minutes.(hemoglobin, hematacrit, creatinine, pregnancy etc)  

    Some take hours, (drug levels, clotting times, etc)

    A few take longer, like a few days. (cultures, etc. )

    Ask when they draw the labs or call the doctor office and ask.  If you are really anxious, they will sometimes give you an idea when they will be read.

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