
How long does jet lag last?

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I came back from London on Friday August 1st to Atlanta, Georgia (so eastern standard time). I must also say that I didn't sleep at all that night and not much on the plane so i was roughly up for about 40 hours. It is now wednesday and i am still really tired, is it still jet lag?




  1. Yep, it's still jet lag.  As a rule of thumb, it will take one day to recover for every time zone covered when traveling from East to West.

    Get as much sun as you can during the day (to reset your internal clock), drink lots of water, and if necessary take a over the counter sleep aid for a couple of nights to get back on track.

  2. jet lag can last 3-4 days, i just got done with a trip from brussels to kansa s city and that was pretty easy to do, i slept on the flight, but on my way to brussels, when i landed there, i was very tired, i can see where you are coming from, the problem is you are going in diffrent time zones, its very difficult, and once you get to the time zone its going to be very easy to catch up =]

  3. Ugh..I hate having jet lag. Usually what I do is when I land I follow the country's time zone. So, even though it's 6 p.m. and I'm extremely tired, I don't fall asleep. I wait until it's around 9 till I let myself fall asleep.

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