
How long does land sickness last?

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I went on a five night cruise. I had the sea sickness patch on for three days and when I took it off I really did not have much sea sickness.

I got home yesterday and I have been very land sick.

Anyone have experiance with how long this will last?

When can I expect it to go away?




  1. It is an adjustment from the movement of the sea. Like jet lag, it will be gone in a coupld of days. If it isn't, consult a doctor because it is easy to pick up a disease when traveling, especially if you flew home in the confined environment of an airplane.

  2. Are you sick or are you just having a hard time with balance like vertigo which is causing a little nausea? If that is the case your inner ear is just readjusting to not being on the boat and it will go away quickly. It sucks huh?

  3. It's called Mal de Debarquement syndrome and I had it years ago.  It took weeks to go away.  Do you feel as if you are still on the ship?  That's the main symptom.  Plus unsteadiness and dizziness but without nausea.  

    Sometimes going for a car ride or simply walking will provide short term relief.  Anti sea sickness drugs will do nothing for you.

    Good luck.

  4. hopefully not long a day or two?  i would call your doctors office and ask them .

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