
How long does marijuana stay in your blood and is there are way to cleanse it quicker before a drug test?

by  |  earlier

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I just recently took a drug test for a job I was applying for and I drank one of those drinks beforehand and followed all the instructions when taking it. However, the job also tested my blood for drugs and that is what hurt me because my pee test came up negative while the blood test came up positive. I had no idea at the time that's why they drew my then I didn't get the job and they want me to come back and retest as soon as they think I can. However, I was told that if I stopped smoking, the THC would leave my body in about 30 days but that it would take a couple months of me not smoking for it to clear out of my blood. I have no idea if that part is true or not and I really need to know!




  1. There is a body flush pill called Niacin that you can purchase at any store basically (Walgreens, CVS, Exerds, ect).

    I am positive that it works for a urine test I would look it up online to confirm the blood test.

    And as to how long it stays in your system all depends on your body type. (metabolism, body size, gender, age, ect)


    Please do not drink a bottle of vinegar. This is a lie and will do more harm then good.

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