
How long does ovulation last??

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I have been trying to track my ovulation 2 see when I am most fertile. As many of you may agree with me this has become completely frustrating. I have been charting my cycles on According to the calander I will be most fertile from 8/5- 8/9 & ovulating on the 8th. Does this mean I can become pregnant anytime during those dates or only 1 out the 5? The reason I ask is b/c I noticed a change in my cervical mucus yesterday (sorry TMI) but not today. Could that mean I ovulated yesterday and now its to late? I plan on taking a at home ovulation test 2morrow or Fri.

Thanks for your opinions. I'm just really frustrated as I'm only 23 and didn't think pregnancy would be this difficult.




  1. typically if you have your period and it lasts 4 days you should start to ovulate about 10 days after it stops, you should start to notice a slimy feeling "down there" yes TMI but I noticed when i would pee i was wetter and then there came this clear like discharge and it would actually drip a long slow drip out of me while on the toilet but it only lasts a day or 2, we had s*x everyday the week after my period stopped because they say sperm lives inside you up to 3 days, some say not to do it so often but we did and now i am proud to say we are 9 weeks pregnant and counting, and the old saying holds true if at 1st you dont succeed try and try again, good luck to you.

  2. OK so the previous posting was wrong on the ovulation calculation process. You need to count 14 days back from your NEXT period to give you estimated Ov date. Then be sure to BD daily starting 5 days before until 2 days after that date. (eg: I have 24-day cycles and I ovulate on CD10 every month. If my cycles were 34 days long I'd ovulate on CD20).

    Normally EWCM will dry up on the day of ovulation. That means if you're dry today you're possibly ovulating today and should BD a.s.a.p.  Any BD in the 5 days before ovulation can result in pregnancy, esp. if you had EWCM which helps to nourish the sperm for 5 days until the egg pops out. If you're getting EWCM and BD at that time, you're on the right track.

    You might find that OPKs don't work this cycle. You're supposed to start them a few days before ovulation is expected and/or whenever you first get EWCM. Maybe hold off and try with them next month rather than waste them this time around. That's what I would do.

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