
How long does pain last after getting salmonella?

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I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and I caught salmonella there. It all started last wednesday, the throwing up and diarrhea. I went to the ER on saturday and they did so many tests and found out I had salmonella. But what is wrong with me, is, actually, not my concern. My concern is this pain! When will it go away? I've had pain and diarrhea for a week and it doesn't seem to be going away. And school starts tomorrow! Please help! And any ideas for making the pain go away will help too.




  1. In general, salmonella symptoms begin with nausea and vomiting and progress to abdominal pains and diarrhea. Additional signs and symptoms include fever, chills and muscle pains, and can last anywhere from several days to two weeks.FEVER generally last from 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

    Enteric fever. Also known as typhoid fever, this illness is caused by the S. typhi bacterium and is most commonly contracted by drinking salmonella-contaminated water. The incubation period ranges from five to 21 days following infection. Additional signs and symptoms may include constipation, cough, sore throat, headache and mental confusion. Slightly raised, rose-colored spots on your upper chest also may appear. In addition, a slowing of your heartbeat (bradycardia) and enlargement of your liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly) may be present.-

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