
How long does planning consent last in spain?

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I am considering purchasing a plot of land in Mallorca - upon which we wish to wait a couple of years before building. How long do we have?




  1. Only way to find out is with the local council before you sign anything: on some plots you will not be able to build at all, even if you assume there is no problem because the plot is bordering on a plot that has been build on.

    Normally you will not have to apply for building permission straight away, but if you have to, only the local council can tell you how much time you will have until you can start building....

    However, it is a good idea to ask local expats as well, as some parts of Spain are terribly corrupt: my parents live near Alicante, and some of their neighbours have had terrible problems. Around there it is not unusual if land owners own a big plot (aka bigger than 1.000 m2) and a property developer fancies building on that plot, that the local council will give permission to do so. This not only meant that people lost a big part of their properties, needless to say at minimal payment, but also had to cough up to pay a big chunk of the costs of building the necessary infrastructure..... Some of these cases have made up till the European Commission, but with very little result.

    I don´t want to scare you and I don´t know how the situation in Mallorca is, but considering you are planning to wait a while before starting to build, it is worth asking around.....

    Hope it all works out for you!

  2. This is what it used to be

    1 As soon as you had applied for building permission you had 18mths to commence the work. If the work was not started you had to apply for an extension, which lasted another 18mths. IF the work was not started during this period a final 18mths was granted.

    Many people bought land with building permissions and just sat on it thinking they had done the right thing. Now with all the land being re-classified and new building regulations coming into force this month many have lost the right to build.

    In mainland Spain for a new build in the campo you need at least 20,000m2 and will be allowed to build approx 1%, This is a rough guide as different areas have different rules, some requiring you purchase at least 30.000m2

  3. The two previous replies have my full support.

    I assume that you have details of the planning permission in writing.

    It should say which town hall has issued the consent. Go to their web site and start your enquiries from there. Also check with the appropriate registro de propiedad that the present owner has full title and that the land does not have any charges over it.

    Be very careful. Use a good local lawyer. Good luck and be careful.

  4. Purchase from a estate agent.

    if it has building permission say for a habitation great but check when the permission was granted and its in writing not verbal.

    dont touch Almacens the estate agents will say they are legal and you can live in them they are if you have a tractor!!!!.

    be really careful when buying get recommends from brits that have brought in the area you want to live as some not all estate agents are bigger thieves than the man in the bar so be warned.

    and they will tell you anything to get a sale if your not certain or your head says no dont do it.

    go on the sites below leave a message i.e help in buying a plot to build in Mallorca. and read what the people leave on there,it will help you.

    Building permissions can take 1-2 years depending on the location .

    1st get a good english speaking solicitor ( a must)

    goto the local town hall with your escritura (DEEDS).

    And apply there remember though in Spain the permissions only last 12 months and you must be completed by that time if not you must reaply and they could say no!!!!.

    i agree with eveything the other people have said.


    Make sure your home is classed as an Habitation.

    try these websites they helped me and i hope you have a great time in Spain.

    ps read the message boards

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