
How long does pot (mids) stay good in a jar?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking of buying a couple of ounces for the summer so I won't have to re-up this summer. What's the longest I can keep middies without them going bad?




  1. dont keep it in a jar dude. keep in like a spot with little air but not a jar cuase the moisture will form and ruin it. i would just smoke the fat pound the first day of summer. its 420 fresh 420!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. zip lock baggie twice and put in freezer,  lasts for years.

    Thats from my much much much younger days.

  3. well i had some bud that was still good after a month, not in a sealed container, so if i were you id wait a bit and buy just before summer, the longer it sits there the less potent it will become

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