
How long does pot stay in your system?

by  |  earlier

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Like for drug screens and stuff?




  1. 18 months after your last joint they can still trace it in your system

  2. 28 to 30 days. To cover that up on a drug test you can drink 1/2 a gallon of cranberry jucie the night before your test and in the morning drink some water, and dont p**s till your test. It works.

  3. 30 days but there's certain drinks you can get from a health store to rid it from your body

  4. That is illegall, but it stays in your system for up to 30 days, less is you have a high metabolism.  There are all types of cleaning formula on the internet.  Remember be careful and stay drug free!!

  5. first of all you shouldnt be doing drugs stupid, but itll stay in your hair for the rest of your life until you shave it.

  6. i heard at least a few months dude

    someone answer mine ?;...

  7. 14-30 days

  8. If you are being tested for illegal drugs in your system – you had better shave your whole body. If they use a hair sample you’re in trouble.

    Any drug stays in the hair follicle until that hair has been cut off.

    For example – if you ingested a drug in January of 2007, the drug residue deposited in the hair that was growing at that time. If you haven’t had a hair cut since then or have not had the hair that was growing at that time removed – it can still be detected in your hair.

    It is different with blood and urine.

    Drugs can be detected longer in your urine than they can in your blood. Pot can be detected in your urine for up to 90 days and in your blood for up to 72 hours.

    I’m sure all facilities are different as far as their drug testing procedures. I would recommend you find out what the protocol is at the university you attend. It could be random – where they call you and you have to go in immediately for testing. It could be the last day of every month. Or whatever.

    Also find out if they use hair, blood or urine for drug testing. IT MATTERS !!!!!!!

  9. It can be up to a few months depended on how much water you drink because water will flush it out of your system! and i know this from a movie okay!! lol

  10. 30 days in your system but it will stay in your hair till you cut it. and a lot of drug screens do hair samples nowadays.

  11. go to sleep

  12. Depends on how often you smoke, how much you weigh, how much you exercise, etc. There's not one set answer as everyone is different.

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