
How long does pregnancy hormones last?

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I just had a baby a little over 2 months ago, how long does it take for the pregnancy hormones to leave my system?




  1. It takes about a year to get back to normal!  

  2. That is solely based on the individuals' life,environment,and most importantly body. There's no true answer for your question. Women recover from pregnancy hormones at different times/stages of their life post baby. Your baby is only 2months so you are just peaking the relaxation stage that will allow your body to get back to normalcy.

    Just relax (when possible) and everything will get back to normal shortly.

  3. It only takes a couple of weeks actually but before you try again (if that is what you want to do) make sure you already received your ppaf.  

  4. i believe it takes a few weeks, but it takes your body over 2 years to recover completely

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