
How long does "taking a breather" take, I have been

by  |  earlier

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attempting to post an answer to the same questioin for three hours!




  1. They're trying to be cute by saying they're taking a breather or on coffee break but I find it very, very annoying!! Geez, all these people here trying to have fun and the thing never works right.

    That's why I hate when they up-date this site. It always, ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves. They should just leave well enough alone.

    If I get that breather message a couple of times, I log off and go do something else. No use wasting my time typing answers that don't show up and get lost somewhere.  

  2. Known new glitches due to updates: "Breather" screen can result from: Percent signs (or other symbols)  in q&a, hitting daily limit when answering, posting over 4 links per answer/question, leaving answer screen open for over 3 minutes. Also the + sign is 'eaten' in questions, question may have been deleted, you  may be blocked by ther person, posting the same link repeatedly, etc.

    Possible fixes: Eliminate the symbols, shorten the answer, wait until after midnight Pacific time (for daily limit issue), click BACK & try again, click F5 & try again, clear your cache & reboot, post a short answer & update with the longer answer (Warning: this may earn you a ‘placeholding’ violation, though!), remove links, go to another English site, another category, be patient.

  3. it's actually working prettty well today. You cannot use a percent sign . You will get that message. If you use too many periods or commas or punctuation or it's too long, you will get that message. there are some helpful hints (that not always work) in the forum..

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