
How long does rabbit labor last...????

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how do i know when she is done having the babies? how long do they normally stay in heat until they have the babaies...?????




  1. They have them really fast. If she strains or has problems you need to rush her to a vet.

    Please have her spayed and stop breeding too

  2. Labor lasts as long as it takes to get the babies out. Most of the time, it's less than an hour. But I've had does that have their litter over the course of a few days. Of course, these kits are usually dead on arrival, but it really depends on the rabbit.

    Rabbits are also induced ovulators, so they do not go into "heat" like a dog or cat. They can have a litter at any time. Their gestation period (after conception) is 28-35 days, the average being about 31 days.

  3. Mama Rabbits tend to have their young when no one is around and all is calm and quiet.  Most of the time you will wake up and the babies will be there.  I am not sure how long they stay in labor for since all my rabbits had them at night, but once it starts, it is over fairly quick as far as labor is concerned.  You can usually tell when the mother is going to have them.  She begins to pull her hair out, or pull the hair out of another nearby bunny to begin making her nest.  Once the nest is made, it is usually within a day or two that she will have them.  Rabbits go into heat every 5 to 6 days.  It takes about 31 days after they get pregnant to have the babies.  Once the babies are born, of course every 5 to 6 days the cycle begins again for the mother.  It is not good to let the mother get pregnant again right away.  This is when complications can occur.  She needs time to take care of her young, and heal.  Hope this helps.

  4. hello there

    rabbits usually don't give birth unless they feel safe in their surrounding(in short,they'll give birth without people around).

    they'll give birth after 30-32 days of labor.mostly,if they don't give birth after those times,you can assume that your rabbit is not giving birth and there's a complication when you started breeding.take it to the vet if that's the case.

    i hope i helped!

  5. When the ambriambic sac is out and she discards it, all the kits have been born.  And rabbits never go out of heat, they are always able to breed.  Good luck.

  6. The rabbit will probably have them when you're not around.

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