
How long does relative adoption take? and how can I speed up the process?

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For very personal reasons, we may have to adopt a relative nephew (age 14). We want to adopt him as fast as possible. We are currently married at age 50, and already had a son who is in college. We are also financially stable. Can anyone tell me how long the process is going to take? And maybe give us advice on how to speed things up?




  1. You could consider going ahead and getting a private Adoption Homestudy done, if the state will accept it.  This often speeds things us, because each state is so backlogged.  Homestudies run about $500-$1200.  You can type in Adoption Homestudy and then your state and will get contacts.  Or you can type in 1-800-Homestudy.  Good luck to you!!

  2. Every state is different/ Some states require homestudies in all adoptions. First, contact a lawyer who handles adoptions. They can guide you thru it all.  An immediate solution would be to get guardianship of the young man. That would get you full custody quickly and is more legally binding than regular custody and with all the rights of parents. At 14 he may not be willing to change his name and be adopted.

  3. we have been trying to adopt our grand daughters since a year and a half   good luck  are you all in the same state ours is interstate adoption

  4. May I ask why adoption instead of legal guardianship, as is the usual course of events in such family situations?

  5. You need to have the parents sign away their rights and stand up for you in court saying that this was what they want for thier child. I did this with my mother and it made things go much faster.

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