
How long does smoke linger in a room before it dissipates?

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and what are some things you can do to get rid of it?




  1. To remove smoke from the air, run the auto fan if you have an air conditioner. The best thing, tho, is to open up the space to cross ventilation. An ionizing unit such as the ones sold by Sharper Image will remove all traces of smoke in the air. What remains is the smoky dust particles that embed into paint, fabric, wood, etc. You'd need to scrub surfaces, and remove and have cleaned everything else.

  2. Sorry to say, it never does. It seeps into fabrics and sticks to surfaces. And will continue to stay there until you wash the fabrics in the room and wipe the surfaces clean. You can get rid of it in the air by using Oust or any other Lysol type product though. Short of doing all that, it will never completely go away.  

  3. It can last for days, even weeks. You can make a deodorizer with stuff you might have around the house. Put  1tsp. baking soda, 1 TBSP white vinegar an 2 cups water in a spray bottle and shake well. Make sure the bottle is clean - don't mix with any old cleaners. Spray throughout room. Ok to spray on carpet and most furniture and curtains.  

  4. You can't really get the smell out of a room once you've smoked in it. You can eliminate some of the odor by placing a bowl of white vinegar in the room for several hours, but unfortunately, a non-smoker will still smell the smoke in the furniture, curtains, whatever there is in the room that smoke residue can adhere to. You can clean every inch of everything in the room and some people can still smell it.

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