
How long does take student visa to be processed?

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i got I-20. arranging all other required documents tomorrow. How long will F-1 visa take? I am from pakistan




  1. time  may vary depending on actual situations. it may be process in  fews day to months to process. At times visa is denied and u have  request review. pl see belo with u s american problems of current time  and we maynot know how long it may take to process issues. thannks. > ColumnsYour Comments On...

    Playing for the No. 2 Spot

    Talking about an unlikely dream ticket further slows the party unification process.

    - By Robert D. Novak

    Commentsprdas01 wrote:

    amnded comments: new york 6.5. 2008

    prdas01 wrote:

    6.5. 2008 New YorK comment was repackaged from the opinion expressed publicly  (by the rev dr kamal karna roy ) for the world news media, as on 6.5. 2008 new york date and time, from campaign office  of the Rev Dr Kamal karna Roy , aka and was born as Joseph  Geronim jr ,a gop presidential hopeful against john mcCain, u s senator, who was alleged to be an ugly influence peddling agent against usa govt . Incidentally obama hadhad influence pddling operations in illinois among rising black or 1/2 blackr politician who was associated with convicted felon rezco. obama cheated irs tax on illgal ponzi deal with rezco and his wife in real estate financing of his own dwelling in illinois. h bought and financed the r/e of over 1 million us $ at a deal wherin he bargained in ilegal prfit motivated transaction with Rezco and Rezco wife's money. THE money DEAL WAS IN COLLUSION : CORRUPT. rezco is now a convicted felon, dr roy complained to sevral us d courts for alleged misconduct of a leader willing to be president. mccain issue were similar andnot same. he used free s*x related repeated company of a beauty as female lobbyist, with free uses of private jet of a business house, this was a corruption at highest elected office of a u s senator. either of the two u s senator may wind up in jail transferring from the white house if elected , to bring national mgency when any trial be held for the felony chrges against each of 2 senators . but senate floo hearings on corruption charges on them skipped some how beyond laws F B I and other agencies must okay if the leaders were innocent AND WERE ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR HIGH ELECTIVE OFFICE SUCH AS PRESIDENT, USA ; THAT grievances were filed PURSUANT TO CITIZENS' FIRST AMENDMENT OF U S CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO PETITION GOVT TO REDRESS GRIEVANCES ON THE ISSUES NOTED, On the issue ELIGIBILITY OF ABOVE PERSONS VIZ MCcAIN AND Obama as both appeared to be ineligible to run the u s presidency 2008, dr kamal raised issues whether mccain and obama were u s born as mccain was born outside us soil in a place not determined by usa on date of his birth, evidences were available. similarly obama was born outside hawaii islands on way to her citizen mother's joney to deliver baby ohama. incidentally he was born outside usa, over 5o miles away from the hawaii . court must examine by the above courts if both mccain or obama were qualified to run u s presidency of 2008 . HAWAIIAN REGN OF BIRTH OF OBAMA IS NOT IMPORTANT TO PROVE THAT OBAMA WAS USA SOIL BORN OR WAS CITIZEN DUE TO BIRTH FROM U S AMERICANCITIEN MOTHER.Initial conference on the issues ,et al ,were ordered in 3 u s d court jurisdictions atusdc nd of ca at san francisco CA ; usdc at Providence, Rhode island; and at u s d court honolulu, Hawaii, some results are epected,obviouisly. u s media neglected people, of candidacy for president electoral competition DUE ON NOV 4, 2008. but u s press won't be ABSOLUTELY able to hide outcome of historical facts that many candidates were ignored by Defendants Viz u s a govt for negligence on enforcement of campaign laws for above purpose; the defeate morales of we the people, some made our God/s of religions very much like obsolete items ,to divine or earthly function of God/s entities and concepts of god/s to influence morality and equities to candidates for competition of election as the true human_animals' conceivd god/s. all as democratic rational entities failed absolutely demandin new god/s to be installed for god/s value in the human_anmals' establshments and redevelopments of people in democratic republics, in the system of current prosperous democratic republic, usa. God was treated as a democratic civil actionable entity by the order on civil action originated at usd court, Denver viz jungle democracy, kamal karna roy v. usa govt ruling in2006-07 us court trial at th us district court of colorado , Denver office and appeals court, 10th Circuit decision was made by the usc appels for the 10th circuit,in 2007 in the said civil action God , ( search web with words "kamal karna roy ", in fact was made an actionable civil court entitity in us court. the reverend dr roy was in fact made of human_animals' rational concept, backed by religious ideology. The god/s wer not made in abroad, but part of god/s concepts are u.s American made, as such the wing of we the people pursuanrt to u s constitution; therefore the failing god/s to evade ewuities for weaker people to be elected as of u s constitutional act and responsibilities in political office and electoral competition are citizens' responsibility and liability.see below:

    prdas01 wrote:

    6.5. 2008 new yorcomment was repackaged from the opinion expressed publicly for thhe world news media as on 6.5. 2008 from campaign office of th rev dr kamal karna roy , a gop presidential hopeful against john mcCain, u s senator who was alleged to be an ugly influence peddling agent against usa govt . Incidentally obama hadhad influence pddling operations in illinois among rising black or 1/2 blackr politician who was associated with convicted felon rezco. obama cheated irs tax on illgal ponzi deal with rezco and his wife in real estate financing of his own dwelling in illinois. h bought and financed the r/e of over 1 million us $ at a deal wherin he bargained in ilegal prfit motivated transaction with rezco money, rezco is now a convicted felon, dr roy complained to sevral us d courts for alleged misconduct of a leader willing to be president. mccain issue were similar andnot same. he used free s*x related repeated company of a beauty as female lobbyist, with free uses of private jet of a business house, this was a corruption at highest elected office of a u s senator. either of the two u s senator may wind up in jail transferring from the white house if elected , to bring national mgency when any trial be held for the felony chrges against each of 2 senators . but senate floo hearings on corruption charges on them skipped some how beyond laws F B I and other agencies must okay if the leaders were innocent , grievances were filed in the issue and initial conference of the issues ,et al were ordered in 3 u s d court jurisdictions atusdc nd of ca at san francisco ca; usdc at providence, rhode island; and at usd court honolulu, hawaii, some results are epected,obviouisly. u s media neglected people, of candidacy for president electoral competition 2008. but u s news media , news conglomerates in usa & press wont be able to hide outcome of historical facts that many candidates were ignored by defendantsv iz usa govt for negligence on enforrcement of campaign laws for abov purpose; the defeate morales of we the people, some made us god/s of religions just obsolete to function as god/s to influence morality and equities to candidates for competition of election as the true human_animals' conceivd god/s. all as democratic rational entities failed absolutely demandin new god/s to be installed for god/s value in the system of democratic republic, usa. god was treated as a democratic civil actionale entity by the order on jungle democracy, kamal karna roy vs usa govt ruling in2006-07 us court trial at th us district court at colorado , denver office and apprals court decision was made by the usc appels for the 10th circuit,in2007 in the said civil action god was, in fact was made an actionable entitity in us court. the reverend dr roy was in fact made of human_animals' rational concept, backed by religious ideology. The god/s wer not made in abroad, but part of god/s concept is us american made, as such the wing of we the people pursuanrt to u s constitution; therfore the failing god/s to evade equities for weaker people in polical office and electoral competition are citizens' responsibility and liability.


    6/5/2008 8:21:59 PM

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