
How long does the Caucasian race have left?

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  1. then here is a genuine answer it has as long as the human race has.

    how long that is in years is any ones guess.

    the human race will take what ever path it has to take to get by and if that means saying good bye to Caucasians then so be it

  2. i have no scientific studies to back my theory, but suspect we

    will wipe out all human life before wiping out any one segment.

  3. Frog populations are declining and scientists don't have the reasons why. If other animals (all humans included) follow this decline, it's not a question of how but when for other species decline.

    These are killing off all humans: drugs, obesity, war, over concentration of insecticides, etc., so when you ask? Before the next asteroid hits!

  4. wow- you are a racist one!  

  5. as long as ther earth exsists,we are the colour we are because we live where we live no other reason.its about the amount of light we need.

  6. Somehow I think your question is country specific. It will take a little longer the 4 generations to ameliorate the entire Caucasian population of Norway, Iceland, Russia, Poland, Australia, Argentina or Canada. The US is much more of a melting pot than the northern tier of countries in this world. A mixed marriage in Canada is more French and English than it is black and white.

  7. If you believe what this book says The 8 Percent Epitaph: Disapearance of the Caucasian Race (Paperback)

    by Marsha Stewart (Author), then

    "Statistically speaking, the Caucasian Race amounts to 8 percent of the global population. White females of childbearing age represent only 2 percent of the global population."

    Another view from Pat Buchanan in May 2008:

    An Augusta, Ga., group, The National Policy Institute, has meshed the figures on fertility rates with the continents and races on Planet Earth — to visualize what the world will look like in 2060.

    In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world’s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

    More arresting is that the white population is shrinking not only in relative but in real terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth — a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany — will vanish by 2060.

    The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.

    [there's a lot more editorial material at this page on his website, but I wanted to include the final paragraph:]

    Hopefully, the peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as we pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world.

    Otherwise, we all go out with a bang.


    Of course, if the Mayans are right, it'll all be over for mankind much sooner than that!:  "The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012."  :o)

  8. 2 and a half weeks

  9. I read somewhere that with interracial marriages everyone will eventually end up being the same race.

    There won't be Blacks or Whites or Mexicans or Asians but all will merge into one new race with the continuance of interbreeding between the races.

    As for White people I do believe we'll be the first to go and to prove it where I live the majority of people were White but nowadays White people are considered a minority or a rarity to the point that when we are out in public we are treated as outsiders and are openly discriminated against by the same people who claim we discriminated against them.

    And because we're White the laws against discrimination don't apply to us so there isn't anything we can do about it except move which we intend to to next year.

  10. untill the Earth dies

  11. We all belong to the Human Race.  MtDNA studies show that we all originated in Africa, and the original humans probably were dark skinned.  Skin color has become more diverse over time, not less.  Some Africans are lighter complexioned than some Europeans.  Separating people by skin color is an artficial distinction and only causes trouble.  We are much more alike than we are different, and any differences should not be feared.  People do not make a choice about who their parents will be, and none are superior to others, because of skin color or ethnicity.  

  12. how long is a piece of string ?.

  13. It would appear that we are busily developing a new race of people that can manufacture their own Vitamin D from sunlight, are resistant to UV radiation, and can sit comfortably in the back seat of Japanese economy cars...

  14. I read somewhere that in 2 generations all new babies will be born the colour of Tiger Woods


    Heather this is not a racist question

  15. Who cares? Even if the races mix humans will still find something to ***** about.

  16. 10 years ago U.S think tanks were predicting that 60 years hence,(ie 50 years time) that the world woud have a coffee coloured,homogonised race of people with Chinesse features  

  17. well i heard that in either 4 years or 40(i cant remember) the new generations will all be the same race because way back when, some of our ancestors intermixed.  

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