
How long does the Human Race have left to live due to global warming?

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due to global warming, everyone knows that the icebergs will collapse and then there will be to much water and so the world will flood, but when will this happen




  1. Amen Paul!  God will take care of the earth until he pours his wrath out!

  2. Indefinitely.  Even if all the ice sheets melted it wouldn't be enough to cover very much land.  A lot of the ice is already floating in water and that will have no affect if it would melt.  Most land that I know about is well above sea level.

    We are actually on the way down from a 100,000 year peak temperature.  We are oscillating from 2 degrees cooler than that peak reached about 10,000 years ago.  See the Greenland ice core graphs at

  3. And due to an ice age, we will all be frozen in another 20 years according to the way trends in "science" go anymore. Science has lost a lot of credability. It's no longer about looking at things from an unbiased standpoint to determine truth through trial and error, but through what's pc and popular.

    So how long do we have to live due to global warming, as long as the human race has lived thus far...

    I would like to pose this:

    How hot does it actually feel to you? If you had NEVER heard of "global warming" and had NO access to the internet, television, movies, etc would you, based upon how warm it feels RIGHT NOW, or over the course of the past 10 years, would you feel like it's all going to end or would you not notice because, low and behold, it isn't actually notably hotter?

    We need to start THINKING without influence from either side. Take the information, think rationally, NOT EMOTIONALLY (for eg-oh my GOD, the earth is heating up, ALL THE ICE CAPS will melt, the polar bears are drowning, and the earth is going to be engulfed in a deluge because MAN IS DESTROYING THE EARTH!!! DOOOOOM DOOOOM DOOOM)... how about LOOK AT THE FACTS, not Al Gore's squiggley charts that have NO references and the pictures claiming to be of the same mountains that before were snowy, but after were rocky and bare... PLEASE, stop being terrified that the "sky is falling"!

    It's called logic. The earth is NOT HOT...

  4. GW is a real problem. We are taking a few steps to correct it. Check out the charity As the founder, I am working on solar projects, electric airplanes, electric trains and electric cars. Renewable energy that is sustainable is the only way out. We may hit some problems but we have the solutions.

  5. It's not as bad as all that. We may lose our coastal cities but there will be enough piedmont and montane areas for our population.

  6. 9 years

    10 months

    2 weeks

    4 days

    6 hours

    27.25 minutes

    : but, as with global warming theory, it is just a scientific guess.

  7. Ok just curious, even if all the Ice melts how is a 3 foot rise in ocean levels going to wipe out man kind ?

  8. Ice bergs haven't been melting for millions of years?

    I am curious folks...  How do you global warming alarmists think that Greenland got its name?  Was that a big joke when they named a huge icy patch of land about the size of a continent Greenland?

    Did it get cold last night when the sun went down?  Where does all that supposed heat from CO2 go when it cools at night?  

    I think that if you look at facts that you see every single day, you will realize that there is no global warming associated with CO2, just the natural cycle the Earth takes.

    Truth is a terrible thing

  9. like 100 million years. but something tells me God will have wrapped things up by then.

  10. not in your lifetime.

    I'm guessing Jesus will return before he let's something stupid like that happen.

  11. not long,, the air is getting to hot to breath

  12. No, everyone does not know this.  In fact, only Chicken Little whack-jobs are even suggesting anything like this.

  13. were all going to die ahahaahahhaaah

  14. Long enough for you to die five times over. The Zoras will live in the new flooded earth.

  15. its tough to say..the sooner people start taking action to help the enviorment instead of destroy it the longer it will take..if things keep going the way there going..i would say we don't have to long..

  16. End of the world in 5 minutes, details at 11:00.

  17. Go to this link:

    And download the documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

    Then get the propaganda follow up called PROOF THAT 'THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE' WAS A SCAM.

    Do some research into these topics:

    The year without a summer

    The Little Ice Age

    Global Dimming

    Super Volcanoes

    When you look at the FACTS... FACTS AND ONLY FACTS... you will see that Global Warming is nothing but a cult being used to manipulate the small minded and perpetuate the adgendas of anti-advancement and anti-globalism political groups.

    Nothing more.

  18. I dont know but Ted Danson once said we only had like 5 years left.  I believe that was about 8 or 10 years ago.

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