
How long does the cry it out method take?

by  |  earlier

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I have been doing it for 3 nights and its starting to work although last night was hard but the night before was the first night she ever slept through




  1. As long as all her needs have been met and she is crying because she can not put herself back to sleep it should start to work within 7 days. They say between 2-7 nights.

    Fingers crossed she'll sleep through on a regular basis soon!

  2. Hi,

    You don't have to let your baby cry it out to get to sleep ..... there are other ways!  My baby James had sleeping problems and several people said I should use the cry it out method but I just hated it. I felt like a wicked parent and would give in every time and go to comfort him.

    Eventually though a friend recommended I try a baby sleep audio program that had worked for her baby. It had a number of techniques that I could use and amazingly the one I tried started to work the very first night. Within two weeks James was sleeping through the night and I'm pleased to say he has never had a problem with sleeping since.

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  3. Personally I dont believe in the crying method of putting a baby to sleep. I think that it deprives the child of the attention and care that they are needing, they get the feeling that they can cry and cry and no one will come to help them, is that the message you want to be sending your child ?

    I would suggest wrapping the child in a swaddle and either rocking them (in the bed) or comforting until they go off to sleep. I have been working with children for nine years in particular babies and these methods work and the attachment between mother and baby grows stronger becuase of it.

    Think about it.

  4. the best thing to do for a child who has a lot of energy which they have if theyup late or  wakes up in the middle of the night for long periods of tyme... iz during the day be very active with them... one nap a day is okaii but you shouldnt let them take 3 or more naps a day because thats where all their enegry is coming from the their wide awake a night.... they cant sleep...  

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