
How long does the election last?

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When the election comes in November, how long does it last. What day will we know our next president? And who do you think will win?




  1. Tuesday, Nov. 4... the election ends and by that night we should know Mccain is president.

  2. It feels like forever.

    Mr. News

  3. Usually, we know that night after the polls close and the results start coming in. One candidate will have a larger majority of the votes than the other, and one will usually concede before morning. But not always. The 2000 election was a mess, and had recount after recount.

    Who do I hope wins? I'm still undecided, but leaning toward McCain.

  4. The election should be decided and a winner declared by the morning of November 5, 2008, the morning after the general election.    However in 2000, because of questions about the contested Florida recounts and the resultant lawsuits which reached the US Supreme Court, the Florida vote was not certified until November 12.  

    I would expect that there will be (because of the racial undertones) some post-election litigation, recounts, etc. before McCain is finally declared the winner.

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