
How long does the girl usually stay at the hospital after ?

by Guest65046  |  earlier

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deliverying the baby? Please let me know.




  1. i think the average is about 3 days, we only stayed for 4 hours after our son was born (drug free and vaginal), i hate hospitals and i had plenty of help at home anyway and the midwives came and visited us a few times in the first few days to make sure everything was ok

  2. That will depend on how she delivers.  IF she delivers vaginally, she can go home as early as the next day, although she should take advantage of hospital help if insurance provides and stay an extra day.  If she has a c-section then expect a 3-6 day stay.  No one can say for sure, everyone is different but she'll definately be having a longer stay to heal after a major surgery.  Either way, she'll need your support no matter how long her stay is or needs to be.

  3. I stayed 48 hours almost exactly after delivering my son (he was born 8/18/08)

    I believe that's the norm nowadays, to stay roughly 2 days to recover, unless you have a c-section (in which case the stay is longer). But some places will discharge you sooner, and I know that my doctor would have been willing to discharge us after one day if we'd felt ready to go home...

    I think it depends, too, on your hospital. Some places have a tendency to try to push people through as quickly as possible. I was fortunate to be in a hospital where they were extremely welcoming.

  4. i had my son on the 3rd September 2007 and i had an emergancy c-section, day 3 i was asked if i wanted to go home but i said "no" as i was having alot of trouble getting my son to latch, i satyed a total of 6 1/2 days and it was great, i didnt get the help i needed with breast feeding tho and on day 5 i decided to formula feed. i think i was one of those unlucky ladies who's milk doesnt come in

  5. hi, depending on the baby and how the mum is, that's what it comes down to. i know when i had my first 6 months ago i was in hospital for up to 6 days because i had a c section, it was my first child and my baby was 5 pound 13oz. now I'm pregnant number 2 and i hope it wont be that long. it just depends on your baby but if you are both fine its normally 4 days for natural and if its your first. good luck

  6. I delivered on August 22nd, vaginally, and went home on the 24th.  It all depends on c-section/vaginal birth (i think you stay a day longer if you had a c-section).  Or if there are any other complications that arose from giving birth.  I was soooo ready to go home when I did.  

    Good Luck!

  7. i had a c-section and i was there for 3 days.

  8. 36 to 48 hours is normal for a healthy, complecation free delivery. Any complecations will make that longer. A C-section will usually require the mother to stay longer. Some women go home in as little as 24 hours if they request it, the hospital staff is quick about getting paperwork and tests done, and everyone is deemed healthy enough to go home.

    Of course these time scales are based on after the child is born. A woman may stay in the hospital for several days or more if need be durring labor.

  9. I love all these people who say c-sections stay longer.  That may or may not be true, depending on the doctor and hospital.  Both my children were c-section.  My first was born on Monday afternoon, we went home Thursday, so I guess it was three days.  My second was born on Tuesday morning, and my doctor would have sent me home on Wednesday night if I'd wanted to go.  I opted to stay an extra day since I had a call button in the hospital and not a lot of help at home!

  10. I stayed 2 nights. Would have gone home sooner if I knew I could, I could not WAIT to get outta there, I couldnt sleep properly, couldn't stop staring at my baby waiting for her to wake up or move or something lol

  11. I think 2 days is the norm, now, as long as things are going well.  With my first, we had problems learning to breastfeed, so we were kept a third day.  With my second, everything was fine and we stayed 2 days.

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