
How long does the midge season last

by Guest60411  |  earlier

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I’m going to the west cost of Scotland beginning of September. How big are the chances of dealing with midges then? Still midge season?




  1. The midges thrive in humid conditions . Afraid September in the west can be bad . Avoid bushes , bracken and thick undergrowth .

  2. Depends on the weather. Warm, damp September = midges. Cool, dry September = small or no problem.

  3. Midge 'Season' - 1st January to 31st December.

  4. May to September.

  5. It never ends, sorry.

  6. It's not all gloom. We are on the seafront on The Isle of Bute and we never experience midges or mosquitoes. You need to climb up into the forest or heather to find them and even there it is locally very different and varies from week to week. The same is true for the Isle of Arran.

    The Isle of Mull seems to have more than it's fair share, and parts of Kintyre are particluarly bad.

    Avon cosmetics make a cream called "SKIN SO SOFT" which is a great deterent. It's the green stuff you want. You can get it from Avon on Line.

    If you would like to read more about the Isle of Bute (a well kept secret) go to:

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