
How long does the monsoon season last in Ohio?

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  1. about 4 or 5 months

  2. Oh jeezuz, those lips on your avatar. Jeezuz, Jeez you, Jeez me  Jeez Us. How long does the monsoon season last in your bedroom ?     JEEZUZ !

  3. Too danged long -- that's how long!

  4. The entire month of April.

  5. would yo ulike to stike up a deal with me

    no joke please write me back by posting it as an answer.

  6. About three weeks in April

    and since everyone is mentioning it

    I think your lips are pretty

  7. From November to March.  Oh, did you say Ohio?  I could swear I saw Hawaii!

  8. That's hilarious!

  9. Hum...Ms.Sophia, I looked this up in my Bible.  The answer is forty days and forty nights.  Time to build an ark and start herding the neighborhood animals...two by two!


  10. April showers bring May flowers.

    July monsoons bring fireworks and balloons.

  11. India, Pakistan, SE Asia?

    Ohio? No such thing as a Monsoon season. However, there is a Monsoon Lagoon park in Marblehead, Ohio.

  12. It is not a monsoon season.    It is a relatively less dry period of the year but not monsoonal.   Want to see monsoons, go to the Philippines.

  13. i live in Michigan (right next to ohio) and never in my life have i heard it described as monsoon season!

  14. Ohio isn't actually part of the tornado alley. It doesn't see the monsoon season as much as the other parts of North America. If there was to be a monsoon season it would be described as starting in early july or late june and ending in september.. Ohio is more seen for lake effect snowstorms

  15. It's monsoon season like 4 months out of the year I think

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