
How long does the peeling last after you get a sunburn?

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How long does the peeling last after you get a sunburn?




  1. Around 3-4 days.  If it's bothering you, just use a gentle exfoliator to get rid of the dead skin.  :)

  2. if its all over 4 weeks if it just shoulders & face 2 weeks

    get well:) keep the fresh layer of skin moist~~

  3. I got really badly sunburnt in Florida a few weeks ago. It took until about a week or so after i got back for the peeling to stop. But it depends on how bad you got burnt really.  

  4. It depends on the severity of the burn.  I was burned last Saturday and just started peeling today.  I imagine it will go on for another 2-3 days.

    My fault for not wearing a hat.

  5. I got a really severe sunburn on my face... Cheeks mostly.. I peeled for 2-3 days.. A hair stylist for Paul Mitchell suggested I get a product called Tea Tree Hair/body.. You can use it as a lotion, leave in hair conditioner.. It's from the men's line.. Anyway, for a avg. sized bottle it's around $13.  It really helped keep my skin moist, stop the swelling/redness!  PLUS I can use it in my hair!  I really works..

    good luck

  6. well its not take you longer than 1 week.

    i recomend you to use cream it will help you to get rid of peeling faster.

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