
How long does the poision from the exterminator last?

by  |  earlier

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we had fleas and the exterminator put the posion yesterday..

im just wondering how long it gonna keep killing




  1. It depends on what chemical they used.

    The best way to go about this is, call them and ask...

    1) the name of the chemical they used

    2) what the re-entry period is

    3) to send you the MSDS sheet for it

    The MSDS (material safety data sheet) will tell you what the chemical is and what the re-entry period is among other things. Ask them to fax it so you get it right away. In the meantime, look online for the MSDS sheet at the manufacturers website so you will get the info faster than waiting for the company to fax it over to you. In my state (CA), it is a law that they must provide this sheet to you.

    This should help you. Good luck!


  3. Hopefully forever...LOL....they probably guarantee 1 year.

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