
How long does the typical house spider live?

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i was cleaning the sheets off of my bed and i foung a big black creeper crawing on my blanket. i went to get my mom (which was stupid, i should have called her) and he was gone.

so now its been about a week and im paranoid.




  1. Many spiders may only live for about a year, but a number will live two years or more, overwintering in sheltered areas. The annual influx of 'outdoor' spiders into houses in the fall is due to this search for a warm place to spend the winter. It is common for female tarantulas to live up to twenty years.

    If you are nervous that the spider may still be in your room, spray an organic pesticide along the baseboards and on the corners of your walls.  

  2. I think they live for a week or two.
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