
How long does unused still in the plastic bottle film last?

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i have literally a whole box full thats been sitting on a self for a VERY long time.i haven't so much as opened the plastic holding nervous how the pix will turn out if i use it. but at same time it kind of bothers me to toss out $25 of "new" film any suggestions




  1. Old film tends to color shift, and the older the film, the more shift you will get. It's a component of the dyes and chemicals in the film as they age.

    Some people like the shifted look, as it can be interesting sometimes. Why not shoot a roll and see if you like it?

    If you don't want to shoot with it, there are lots of expired film enthusiasts looking for film. Put it up for sale on ebay.

  2. As long as you have the correct type of camera I don't think film "expires".  But you could always just test it with one of the rolls of film taking random and odd pictures around your house or neighborhood to see how the turn out once they are doveloped.  If they are fine then the rest of the film should be too.

  3. you kept it in the fridge right?

    have a look on the box there will be an "expiry date" - that will give you a clue as to how old the film is,

    shoot one roll and see how it comes out


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